Filming yourself with your own laptop at home - filming tips for conference calls, Zoom, GoToMeeting, Skype... and looking great!

Here a few tips for you, so you can look and spouind better on your next Zoom, GoToMeeting or Skype call.


  • Good sound is really important. Close windows, shut doors, turn off air con. Chose a quiet room with minimal echo – if you are in a room with a lot of echo, you can bring in rugs/ soft furnishings/ duvets etc., and place them out of the shot– use anything that will absorb sound and cut down reverberation.
  • Use a microphone if you have one, and have it 6-8 inches away from your mouth. Apple headphones with the in built microphone are also an option.
  • If you are wearing rings, watch, bracelets etc., be careful not to tap the table.
  • Sit facing a big window if possible. Natural light is almost always better than artificial light. Artificial light comes in a lot of different colour temperatures that aren’t noticeable to your eye, but don’t look good on camera.
  • Make sure the light source is in front of you, not behind you, so you are not in silhouette.
  • If you do use artificial light, avoid the light being directly above you, or comes from below you – it is not flattering light! Light hitting your face from above at about 45 degrees, slightly from the side, will generally get a nice shot.


More important tips

  • It’s better to film the room at an angle, rather than straight on to a wall.
  • If possible, shoot the video somewhere with a simple but interesting background, or somewhere that will help people place where in the world you are.
  • Avoid shooting against blank white walls or in conference rooms.
  • Avoid anything distracting in the shot in the background (The test is, when you look at the shot, where is your eye drawn to?…if there is something that catches your eye, move the object, or change the shot).
  • Make sure there is nothing directly behind your head in the shot.
  • Camera height is important – try and get the camera in the laptop/ webcam lens at around eye level height – place some books under the laptop if necessary.
  • Fill the frame, only have a little bit of space above your head – fill the frame. Your eyes should be roughly a third of the way down the screen
  • Wear solid colors rather than clothes with elaborate patterns, as they can be distracting. 

  • Don’t wear your lanyard. Avoid dangly earrings, and large, distracting jewelry.
  • Be aware of personal photos/ names etc., and take out of the shot if necessary.
  • Look at the camera lens, as much as possible